🤔 So What Makes A Great Leader?
There are so many, but here are just some…. 🚀
A great leader tends to be organised, disciplined, focused and determined in what they do.
However, I believe the greatest leaders are those who have a combination of these skills plus additional characteristics:
they must in control, but also be calm, humble, respectful and compassionate by nature.
They can see the big picture in many ways rather than seeing things on a small scale.
They take the time to listen to their team’s concerns and share constructive feedback.
By taking on board the struggles of their team as well as their own, they both motivate and command loyalty from their teams.
Good leaders and not pushy or don’t bully others and are willing to combine all of the ideas of those in their care, to achieve the overall objective.
Leaders work hard to ensure that those around them are satisfied and cared for. They are unselfish in many ways and are willing to put others interests ahead of their own. A great leader is a person who is constantly evolving and embraces meaningful input from others. They tend to push teamwork rather than individual achievements in order to achieve the overall target.
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